Exercise #4 Part 1 is based upon the importance of presentations.
SS3A Exercise #4 Part 1
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Week 5 Exercise Part 1 – Critiquing Presentations
TED Talks represent an extremely popular, probably the most popular, way in which various
academic arguments are distributed to a broader, nonacademic public. They create an interesting
conundrum: they deliver a lot of useful and interesting information but they are often quite
obtuse, full of jargon, and presented with an assumption of baseline knowledge on the part of
their audience. Go to https://www.ted.com/talks and where it says “Topics” on the drop-down
menus, select “See all topics.” From here, you can choose a social science field (such as
sociology, psychology, anthropology) to see which videos categorized as such.
Topic chosen:
Title of TED Talk you watched:
Now, you need to review and critique this presentation on the following factors. Note, that
critique doesnÂ’t inherently mean to search out for problems (maybe you found a talk that you
think is great). Please respond to the following questions and answer them fully and clearly.
1. Who is the speaker? Also, what are their credentials to give this talk? (Note: they may not
be clear on the video, so you might have to search them online.)
2. What is the thesis of this talk?
3. Did you find this an engaging talk? Why or why not?
4. What are the strengths of this talk?
5. What are the weaknesses of this talk?
6. What things are you still wondering about after viewing this talk?
7. Do you feel like you know more about this topic after viewing this video? Why or why
8. What, if anything, do you wish they had incorporated into this talk?
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