Master of Strategic Leadership
Leading and Building High Performance Teams
Assignment Description
Observation and assessment of studentsÂ’ level of involvement using the Fundamental
Interpersonal Relationships Orientation (FIRO B). Each student requires to use process and
team participation instrument FIRO B – W Schutz to identify individual interpersonal skills and
personal strengths and preferences in using such skills. Assessed measures as, needs expressed
or wanted, for inclusion, control and affection will be profiled. Students will report and present
on their own, and comment sensitively and positively on peer scores and develop agreed team
interventions for effective teamwork.
The written report consists of: executive summary; introduction; body and conclusion and
needs to be 5-7 pages excluding the cover page and reference list.
The assessment weight for the assignment is 10 marks. The submission of the assignment will
be through the blackboard on 17/03/2024 as stated in the blackboard and no late submission
will be accepted.
The assignment needs to be typed, in the following format:
Font size 12 point, spacing 1.5, margins set at normal. The pages need to be numerated. In the
content list page, numbers are to be given under the different sub-headlines. New paragraphs
are to be marked by skipping a line, it is not to be marked by indentation. Headlines are to be
written from the left margin, not centred.
Personal Leadership Development Rubric
Course Code: MSL502
Instructor: Dr. Marwan Al QurÂ’an
CLO Assessed: CLO1
Assessment Weight: 10% of total grade
Students’ course
additional insight
into what each
student has
Exceeds Standard
90 % or above
Thorough insight of
what was learned from
this course as it relates
to goals and leadership
components, to include
additional development
and or self-exploration.
Meets Standard
75% to 89%
Some insight of what
was learned from this
course as it relates to
goals and leadership
components, but
development would
be needed.
Below Standard
less than 75%
Little to no insight of
what was learned
from this course as it
relates to goals and
learned from the
as compared to
the personal
A clear
description of the
Personal and
leadership goals
Personal and
Conclusion and
writing and
(10 %)
Effectively analyzes
own strengths and
weaknesses. This
includes additional
development and selfexploration of each key
leadership component
and comparison of
personal goals.
Describes and uses 3 -5
key leadership
approaches. Includes a
thorough discussion of
life goals as these link
to leadership
Analyzes ones own
strengths and
weaknesses, but may
not contain additional
development and selfexploration or
comparison to
personal goals.
May mention some
strengths and
weaknesses, but there
is nothing further
discussed or there is
no comparison to
personal goals.
Describes at least 1 3 leadership
approaches with
analysis of strengths
and weaknesses of
approach. Defines a
link between specific
leadership approaches
and life goals.
Does not list or
describe or any of the
key leadership
approaches. Does not
reflect on leadership
approaches compared
to life goals.
Discussion on personal
and leadership
development goals to
include a development
of life and leadership
goals. This
development will be
well-rounded and
include additional
insight. It will also
include all of the
SMART elements.
Some aspect of ethical
leadership discussed
and integrated into the
development plan.
The conclusion is welldeveloped and
demonstrates attention
for and relevance to
practice in general.
Structure of the paper
is clear and easy to
follow. Paragraph
transitions are present
and logical and
maintain the flow of
thought throughout the
Discussion of
personal goals may or
may not include both
life and leadership
development goals.
May not have
additional insight. At
least three of the
SMART elements
included. Some aspect
of ethical leadership
Brief discussion, or no
discussion, of some
personal development
goals. Little additional
development or
Conclusion is welldeveloped,
demonstrating some
thought and
applicability to
practice in general.
Structure of the paper
is not easy to follow.
Paragraph transitions
need improvement.
Uses an academic
style and has minimal
Conclusion is simple
and struggles to
demonstrate thought
and applicability to
practice. Organization
and structure detract
from the message of
the writer.
Paragraphs are
disjointed and lack
transition of thoughts.
Uses an incoherent
paper. Effectively uses
an academic style and
has no errors related to
organization, or use of
APA citation
errors related to
organization, or use
of APA citation
style and there are
major errors related to
organization, or use of
APA citation
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
For each statement below, decide which of the following answers best applies to you.
For statements 1 – 16 use this rating scale:
1 Usually
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Occasionally
5 Rarely
6 Never
_____ 1.I try to be with people.
_____ 2.I let other people decide what to do.
_____ 3.I join social groups.
_____ 4.I try to have close relationships with people.
_____ 5.I tend to join social organizations when I have an opportunity.
_____ 6.I let other people strongly influence my actions.
_____ 7.I try to be included in informal social activities.
_____ 8.I try to have close, personal relationships with people.
_____ 9.I try to include other people in my plans.
_____ 10.I let other people control my actions
_____ 11.I try to have people around me.
_____ 12.I try to get close and personal with people.
_____ 13.When people are doing things together, I tend to join them.
_____ 14.I am easily led by people.
_____ 15.I try to avoid being alone.
_____ 16.I try to participate in group activities.
For statements 17 – 40 use this rating scale:
1 Most people
2 Many people
3 Some people
4 A few people
5 One or two people
6 Nobody
_____ 17.I try to be friendly to people.
_____ 18.I let other people decide what to do.
_____ 19.My personal relations with people are cool and distant.
_____ 20.I let other people take charge of things.
_____ 21.I try to have close relationships with people.
_____ 22.I let other people strongly influence my actions.
_____ 23.I try to get close and personal with people.
_____ 24.I let other people control my actions.
_____ 25.I act cool and distant with people.
_____ 26.I am easily led by people.
_____ 27.I try to have close, personal relationships with people.
_____ 28.I like people to invite me to things.
_____ 29.I like people to act close and personal with me.
_____ 30.I try to influence strongly other people’s actions.
_____ 31.I like people to invite me to join in their activities.
_____ 32.I like people to act close toward me.
_____ 33.I try to take charge of things when I am with people.
_____ 34.I like people to include me in their activities.
_____ 35.I like people to act cool and distant toward me.
_____ 36.I try to have other people do things the way I want them done.
_____ 37.I like people to ask me to participate in their discussions.
_____ 38.I like people to act friendly toward me.
_____ 39.I like people to invite me to participate in their activities.
_____ 40.I like people to act distant toward me.
For statements 41 – 54 use this rating scale:
1 Usually
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Occasionally
5 Rarely
6 Never
_____ 41.I try to be the dominant person when I am with people.
_____ 42.I like people to invite me to things.
_____ 43.I like people to act close toward me.
_____ 44.I try to have other people do things I want done.
_____ 45.I like people to invite me to join their activities.
_____ 46.I like people to act cool and distant toward me.
_____ 47.I try to influence strongly other people’s actions.
_____ 48.I like people to include me in their activities.
_____ 49.I like people to act close and personal with me.
_____ 50.I try to take charge of things when I’m with people.
_____ 51.I like people to invite me to participate in their activities.
_____ 52.I like people to act distant toward me.
_____ 53.I try to have other people do things the way I want them done.
_____ 54.I take charge of things when I’m with people.
Scoring Key
To derive your interpersonal orientation scores, refer to the table below. Note that there are six columns, each
with items and keys. Each column refers to an interpersonal need listed in the chart at the bottom of the page.
Items in the column refer to question numbers on the questionnaire; Keys refer to answers on each of those
items. If you answered an item using any of the alternatives in the corresponding key column, circle the item
number on this sheet.
When you have checked all of the items for a single column, count up the number of circled items and place that
number in the corresponding box in the chart. These numbers will give you your strength of interpersonal need
in each of the six areas. The highest possible score is 9. The lowest score is 0.
Item Key
Item Key
Item Key
1 1-2-3
28 1-2
30 1-2-3
3 1-2-3-4
31 1-2
5 1-2-3-4
Item Key
Item Key
2 1-2-3-4
4 1-2
29 1-2
33 1-2-3
6 1-2-3-4
8 1-2
32 1-2
34 1-2
36 1-2
10 1-2-3
12 1
35 5-6
7 1-2-3
37 1
41 1-2-3-4
14 1-2-3
17 1-2
38 1-2
9 1-2
39 1
44 1-2-3
18 1-2-3
19 4-5-6
40 5-6
11 1-2
42 1-2
47 1-2-3
20 1-2-3
21 1-2
43 1
13 1-2
45 1-2
50 1-2
22 1-2-3-4
23 1-2
46 5-6
15 1
48 1-2
53 1-2
24 1-2-3
25 4-5-6
49 1-2
16 1
51 1-2
54 1-2
26 1-2-3
27 1-2
52 5-6
Item Key
Place your scores from the above table in the table below. Add the rows and columns.
Interaction index