Be specific as you link the values and beliefs of the philosophy specifically with one work of music and two works of art or architecture (in different media). 
Do one of this essay on:  Daoism, Confucianism and/or Buddhism are the topic
Link for Chinese Music:…
1)  How is Daoism, Confucianism and/or Buddhism reflected in the paintings and music of China’s Song Dynasty and/or the architecture of the Ming dynasty? First discuss both Confucianism and Daoism, and perhaps Buddhism (depending on the works of art and music that you choose).Then analyze the music and art examples in terms of their forms and details as well as how they reflect various philosophical ideas.Are some of these works reflecting more than one philosophy, and if so, how is this seen?What are the forms and values that we see reflected in the art and music? Do you see any ways in which the art and music deviate from Daoist philosophy and values to show any other beliefs?For this essay, you can do two examples of paintings (but of different Song styles) or you can add an example of Ming architecture to one work of Song painting.
A: First, for philosophy, make sure you analyze the ideas of Buddhism, Confucianism and/or Taoism that you have seen listed multiple times in the power points, using the relevant terms (i.e. Buddhism: Anatman, The Four Noble Truths, The Noble Eightfold Path; Confucianism: The Five Cardinal Relationships, The Five Cardinal Virtues, junzi; Daoism: Dao, Wu-wei). Make sure that you synthesize the ideas, perhaps relating them to your own life, and that you don’t just give me a list of terms snitched from the internet or the PowerPoints and which you don’t really understand. 
B: Then choose one work of music, two works of art of different media (painting, architecture or sculpture) from the periods above and connect to the philosophy of that time and place.
Choose art and musical examples from the power points, making sure that you synthesize the ideas and don’t just give me a list of terms. Analyze the art and musical examples in terms of the analogous elements: rhythm/line; melody/shape; color/tone color, dynamics/size and space; harmony/modeling; texture, form and content. How do these works of art and music reflect inherent Chinese character? How can you tell the difference between Chinese and Indian culture? 
a) You can do this as a power point or as a Word essay. Make sure that if you do a power point, you write in full sentences, paragraphs and use as many words as you do in papers. The advantage to the power point is having a visual image next to your text. Please check out Writing Papers for Prof. W.ppt posted under My Documents for more information.
b) Put your name on the exam and on the file name of the exam, especially if you have to e-mail it to me: jsmithCOTAAsian01firstexam.doc Do NOT send me wps (word perfect) files as I cannot read them. Do NOT send me files titled Art Paper.docx…. 
c) As always, give me an introduction and a conclusion for the entire essay exam. You lose 5 points if there is no introduction and 3 points if there is no conclusion.
d) Number each question and use a separate paragraph per building to answer each of the three questions. Be sure to identify each work in terms of title, architect (if known), period, and date. 
e) If these works or musical examples are not in my power points or in your book, please include an image of them in your paper or power point. The images need not be illustrated in color, but if the images are not in your book or in the power points, please include a link where I can see them in color online. And watch the aspect-ratio of the works you include; change the size of your images only from their corners, or you will make them too wide or too tall. 
f) Be very specific in terms of supporting details for each work that you choose: how does the structure, the material, the location, the plan, the surrounding environment, the use of space, decorative details, etc., prove your points about the content, form and structure of the works and how they show the values of their periods? 
g) Discuss the earlier works first and then the later works, in terms of structure, decoration, purpose and content. Make pertinent comparisons and contrasts as you write about the second work.
h) You should be able to do this exam from your textbook, power points and lecture notes. But if you use any sources other than these, you must note them on each slide where the outside information is used. Roughly 4-5 pages total, (or longer if you need more space), double-spaced, font 10-12 or a comparable number of power point slides with a font of 14 or higher. 
i) Be careful as you choose the buildings to compare and contrast. Part of the exam is choosing the right style and period for the each question.
j) [Warning: these essays are to be in your own words. Please do not plagiarize or cut and paste from the internet. I prefer your imperfectly worded essays to what you can find online. Also, the kind of supporting details that I require are not found on the internet but only in your own head. ?] 
Assignment Rubric: Excellent work 
Subject 20% 
Chose works that
illustrated excellent qualities for the question.
The works were from the right 
Adequate work 
Chose good works
for the essay that were 
from the right periods. The choices were not 
Inadequate work 
The works were ill 
chosen in terms of qualities that would provide the necessary 
perhaps the best that contrasts to answer might have been chosen. the 
Form 35-40% 
The student analyzed the use
of form in considerable detail: 
including (where relevant) the
structure, the material, the location,
the surrounding environment, The comparison and con- contrast the the use of space, and decorative trast of the works was works. 
details. The student connected
the use of form and meaning
with the piece’s period and contrasted why the form and meaning/purpose was different between the two different works. The student’s ideas were thoroughly presented and original. 
Content 30% 
The student connected the meaning
of the piece to its period and form, often displaying imaginative and/or pertinent insights. 
Writing quality 10-15% 
The essay was well written with no grammatical or spelling mistakes. Each paragraph was self-contained and well organized. 
questions. Works may have been from the wrong periods. 
The analysis was 
fine but not outstanding nor original in concept. 
The student did an acceptable analysis of 
missing many elements and the 
the forms, but missed
some important elements. student failed to 
The student mentioned
the meaning of the works 
but in a superficial manner. 
The essay was fairly well written but showed 
some mistakes in word choice, sentence structure, 
spelling, use of paragraphs. run-on or incomplete 
sentences, poor 
spelling, etc. 
The student neglected to 
consider the meaning of the works. 
The essay was poorly written with 
little or no break in paragraphs, use of
Choose one of the three essays below, due April 10. Be specific as you link the
values and beliefs of the philosophy specifically with one work of music and two
works of art or architecture (in different media). The art and music must relate as
well. 5-6 pages, typed, double-spaced.
Do one of these three essays:
1) How does the music, sculpture, and architecture along the Silk Road, and into
Cambodia and Indonesia, reflect Buddhism and yet retain special, regional
characteristics? Discuss the philosophy of Buddhism first and then relate it
specifically to the music and two art examples (in different media) that you choose.
Choosing different countries could also be a good idea.
A: First, for philosophy, make sure you analyze the ideas of Buddhism, Confucianism
and/or Taoism that you have seen listed multiple times in the power points, using the
relevant terms (i.e. Buddhism: Anatman, The Four Noble Truths, The Noble
Eightfold Path; Confucianism: The Five Cardinal Relationships, The Five Cardinal
Virtues, junzi; Daoism: Dao, Wu-wei). Make sure that you synthesize the ideas,
perhaps relating them to your own life, and that you don’t just give me a list of terms
snitched from the internet or the PowerPoints and which you don’t really understand.
B: Then choose one work of music, two works of art of different media (painting,
architecture or sculpture) from the periods above and connect to the philosophy of that
time and place.
Choose art and musical examples from the power points, making sure that you
synthesize the ideas and don’t just give me a list of terms. Analyze the art and musical
examples in terms of the analogous elements: rhythm/line; melody/shape; color/tone
color, dynamics/size and space; harmony/modeling; texture, form and content.
How do these works of art and music reflect inherent Chinese character? How can you
tell the difference between Chinese and Indian culture?
a) You can do this as a power point or as a Word essay. Make sure that if you do a
power point, you write in full sentences, paragraphs and use as many words as
you do in papers. The advantage to the power point is having a visual image next to
your text. Please check out Writing Papers for Prof. W.ppt posted under My Documents
for more information.
b) Put your name on the exam and on the file name of the exam, especially if you have
to e-mail it to me: jsmithCOTAAsian01firstexam.doc Do NOT send me wps (word
perfect) files as I cannot read them. Do NOT send me files titled Art Paper.docx….
c) As always, give me an introduction and a conclusion for the entire essay exam. You
lose 5 points if there is no introduction and 3 points if there is no conclusion.
d) Number each question and use a separate paragraph per building to answer each of
the three questions. Be sure to identify each work in terms of title, architect (if
known), period, and date.
e) If these works or musical examples are not in my power points or in your book,
please include an image of them in your paper or power point. The images need not be
illustrated in color, but if the images are not in your book or in the power points, please
include a link where I can see them in color online. And watch the aspect-ratio of the
works you include; change the size of your images only from their corners, or you will
make them too wide or too tall.
f) Be very specific in terms of supporting details for each work that you choose: how
the structure, the material, the location, the plan, the surrounding
environment, the use of space, decorative details, etc., prove your points about
the content, form and structure of the works and how they show the values of their
g) Discuss the earlier works first and then the later works, in terms of structure,
decoration, purpose and content. Make pertinent comparisons and contrasts as you
write about the second work.
h) You should be able to do this exam from your textbook, power points and lecture
notes. But if you use any sources other than these, you must note them on each slide
where the outside information is used. Roughly 4-5 pages total, (or longer if you need
more space), double-spaced, font 10-12 or a comparable number of power point slides
with a font of 14 or higher.
i) Be careful as you choose the buildings to compare and contrast. Part of the exam is
choosing the right style and period for the each question.
j) [Warning: these essays are to be in your own words. Please do not plagiarize or
cut and paste from the internet. I prefer your imperfectly worded essays to what you
can find online. Also, the kind of supporting details that I require are not found on the
internet but only in your own head. ☺]
Assignment Rubric:
Excellent work
Subject 20%
Chose works that
illustrated excellent qualities
for the question.
The works were from the right
Adequate work
Inadequate work
Chose good works
for the essay that were
from the right periods.
The choices were not
The works were ill
chosen in terms of
qualities that would
provide the necessary
perhaps the best that
contrasts to answer
might have been chosen. the
may have
been from
the wrong
Form 35-40%
The student analyzed the use
The student did an
The analysis was
of form in considerable detail:
acceptable analysis of
missing many
including (where relevant) the
the forms, but missed elements and the
structure, the material, the location, some important elements. student failed to
the surrounding environment, The comparison and concontrast the
the use of space, and decorative trast of the works was
details. The student connected
fine but not outstanding
the use of form and meaning
nor original in concept.
with the piece’s period and
contrasted why the form and
meaning/purpose was different
between the two different works.
The student’s ideas were thoroughly
presented and original.
Content 30%
The student connected the meaning
The student mentioned The student
of the piece to its period and form, often the meaning of the works neglected to
displaying imaginative and/or pertinent
but in a superficial
consider the
meaning of the
Writing quality 10-15%
The essay was well written with no
The essay was fairly
The essay was
grammatical or spelling mistakes.
well written but showed
poorly written with
Each paragraph was self-contained
some mistakes in word
little or no break in
and well organized.
choice, sentence structure, paragraphs, use of
spelling, use of paragraphs. run-on or
sentences, poor
spelling, etc.
Confucianism and
Asian COTA
Read the pdf files entitled Confucianism
and Daoism on Blackboard. They are
readable and interesting.
From lectures by Dr. David Svolba in 2012.
and Daoism
On the left: ‘Confucius,’ a Latinized form of Kung Fu-Tzu; aka
‘Master Kong’. On the right: Lao-Tzu, the possibly mythical
founder of Taoism; noteworthy that Lao-Tzu is depicted here
(and elsewhere) as riding a bull. That’s revealing for reasons
I’ll come back to.
The early spring of the
the Yangtze River
Instruments: Zheng and
Listen to this while you
read the ppt…..
• Lived during a period in Chinese history called the “Spring and Autumn Period.”
Followed by the “Period of Warring States.” Characterized by regional conflicts
and civil strife.
• Also called the “Period of the One Hundred Philosophers.”
• Philosophies tend to develop in response to the conditions of their times—the
fundamental problem facing Chinese society was social and political conflict.
(Cf. the indigenous philosophies of India.)
• He hoped to attain high political office so that he could implement his philosophy
of social reform; this never happened. –”Am I a bitter gourd, fit only to hang
out of the way, not good enough to eat?”
• Claimed a “Mandate of Heaven”: An understanding of how he and others ought
to live. (Cf. the Buddha; Socrates; Jesus of Nazareth; etc.)
• Source of the ‘Golden Rule’ (?): “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to
• Erhu highlighted in Spring Scenery south of the Yangtze River

• The Five Cardinal Relationships:
1. Ruler / Subject
2. Father / Son
3. Husband / Wife
4. Elder Brother / Younger Brother
5. Friend / Friend
Disordered Relationships → Disordered societies
Confucius: “A good society consists in the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a
minister, the father being a father, and the son being a son.” (The Doctrine of the
Rectification of Names.)
Note that 1-4 were conceived as asymmetrical relationships, or as relationships
between a ‘superior’ and an ‘inferior’. Ideally, those occupying the positions on the
left were obligated to care for those occupying the positions on the right, and those
occupying the positions on the right were obligated to show gratitude, respect, and
obedience to those occupying the positions on the left.
“In order rightly to govern the state, it is necessary first to regulate the family…The ruler
cannot teach others when he cannot reach his own family…from the loving example of one
family a whole state becomes loving.” pdf p. 154
Does this make sense in today’s world?
There are no ‘natural rulers.’ At the time, this was a radical (and
dangerous) claim.
Only the junzi—”superior men”—are fit to rule, and becoming a
‘superior man’ requires years of hard work, education, discipline,
The ‘superior man’ is the man of perfect or ideal virtue.
How would rule by the ‘moral elite’ promote peace and stability?
“If the people be led by laws, and uniformity among them be sought by
punishments, they will try to escape punishment and have no sense of shame.
If they are led by virtue, and uniformity sought among them through the
practice of ritual propriety, they will possess a sense of shame and come to
you of their own accord.”
Diagnosis of his present era: “Rulers do not rule, and subjects do not serve.”
1. Ren: compassion, benevolence, ‘good-heartedness’; a
disposition to ‘do the right thing for the right reasons’; perfect
harmony between the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer.’
2. Li: civility, good manners, proper etiquette in all situations
• Why might we think civility is a virtue?
• Confucius: “If you can’t be kind, be polite.”
3. Shu: Reciprocity; treating others as you would like to be
4. Xiao: Filial piety; devotion to one’s family; respect for elders.
5. Wen: Culture, knowledge, sophistication, etc.
• Although the junzi possessed these five virtues to an extraordinarily high
degree, all people were expected to cultivate these virtues.
• Confucianism: Confucius / Analects
• Daoism: Lao-Tzu / Dao-De-Jing (Tao-Te-Ching)
• Opening Line of the Dao-De-Jing: “The Dao that can be spoken of is not the
true Dao.”
• The Confucian response to social disorder/conflict: we must (re)impose
order through the resurrection of traditional values and rigorous systems
of education. (An ‘active’ model)
• The Daoist response to social disorder/conflict: we must stop imposing our
wills on the world. It is human willfulness that causes all the trouble (cf.
• ‘Nature’ as a model of cosmic harmony; opposing forces equaling a
perfect ‘balance’ or ‘harmony’ (yin & yang). Nature as mindless activity
perfectly suited to realizing its ‘ends.’
Legend has it that the younger Confucius met with Lao-Tzu, and came away with
this impression: “Avoid that man; he is dangerous.”
• The third story in Sima Qian states that Laozi grew weary of the
moral decay of life in Chengzhou and noted the kingdom’s decline.
He ventured west to live as a hermit in the unsettled frontier at the
age of 160. At the western gate of the city (or kingdom), he was
recognized by the guard Yinxi. The sentry asked the old master to
record his wisdom for the good of the country before he would be
permitted to pass. The text Laozi wrote was said to be the Tao Te
Ching, although the present version of the text includes additions from
later periods. In some versions of the tale, the sentry was so touched
by the work that he became a disciple and left with Laozi, never to
be seen again.[30] In others, the “Old Master” journeyed all the way
to India and was the teacher of Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha.
Others claim he was the Buddha himself.[24][31]

• The Tao is the ‘flow’ of existence; everything goes to s**t once we
begin to resist/ interfere with this ‘flow.’
• Beyond good and evil.
• ‘Virtue’ = wu-wei (effortless action).
• Dr. Svolba’s whitewater rafting story….He was white-water rafting in
the American northwest with an inexperienced girlfriend. They ended
up capsizing and he struggled with the rapids until he relaxed and
“went with the flow” to rise to the surface again. Lesson: don’t fight
the Tao, go with that flow of energy of life.
• Prof. Wadsworth notes that the more she relaxes each day and
“flows” with the energy of what needs to be done, instead of forcing
things, the more is actually accomplished with more than sufficient
north side of a
hill (i.e. away
from the sun)
south side of a
hill (i.e. facing
the sun)
• Lao-Tzu on the bull: going with the energy of that beast.
• Aikido (Japanese martial art with clear Daoist influences)
• Kosho Shorei Ryu (an open handed martial art that Prof.
Wadsworth studied for a decade)
Tao Te Ching Verse 15
The ancient masters were subtle, mysterious,
profound, responsive.
The depth of their knowledge is unfathomable.
Because it is unfathomable.
All we can do is describe their appearance.
Watchful, like men crossing a winter stream.
Alert, like men aware of danger.
Courteous, like visiting guests.
Yielding, like ice about to melt.
Simple, like uncarved blocks of wood.
Hollow, like caves.
Opaque, like muddy pools.
Lao Tze on the ox,
connecting with true
Who can wait quietly while the mud settles?
Who can remain still until the moment of action?
Observers of the Tao do not seek fulfillment.
Not seeking fulfillment, they are not swayed by
desire for change.
The Parable of the Oak and the Reeds:
A Giant Oak stood near a brook in which grew some
slender Reeds. When the wind blew, the great Oak
stood proudly upright with its hundred arms uplifted
to the sky. But the Reeds bowed low in the wind and
sang a sad and mournful song. “You have reason to
complain,” said the Oak. “The slightest breeze that
ruffles the surface of the water makes you bow your
heads, while I, the mighty Oak, stand upright and
firm before the howling tempest.”
“Do not worry about us,” replied the Reeds. “The
winds do not harm us. We bow before them and so
we do not break. You, in all your pride and strength,
have so far resisted their blows. But the end is
coming.” As the Reeds spoke a great hurricane
rushed out of the north. The Oak stood proudly and
fought against the storm, while the yielding Reeds
bowed low. The wind redoubled in fury, and all at
once the great tree fell, torn up by the roots, and lay
among the pitying Reeds.
• Dao De Jing: “The hard and strong will fall; the
soft and weak will overcome.”
The best of all rulers is but a shadowy presence to his subjects.
Next comes the ruler they love and praise;
Next comes one they fear.
Next comes one with whom they take liberties.
When there is not enough faith, there is lack of good faith.
Hesitant, he does not utter words lightly.
When his task is accomplished, and his work done
The people all say, “It happened to us naturally.”
What does this say about good rulers?
• Confucianism: Civilized society is the solution.
• Taoism: Civilization is the problem.
1. Confucianism is about
being in harmony with
2. Daoism is about
following societal rules
3. The reverse of 1 and
2 is true
4. All of the above
5. None of the above
Do NOT use these as
examples on your
exam. There are no
IDs since these came
from Dr. Svolba.
• Chinese philosophy links



• BBC Taoism
002d India music: instruments, compositions, improvisations
What you need to get out of this PowerPoint
There is a LOT of information about Indian music here, mostly because
I like to appeal to those who really want to learn all they can.
That being said, this is very in depth. You certainly do not have to
know it all. Try listening to as many of the audio links as you can and
for as long as you can. I want you to hear the various instruments and
to recognize this music as Indian through the drums (tabla), the sitar,
the vocals, the bansuri flute, etc.
Recognize how complex this music is, and know the vocabulary for tala
and raga and recognize the complexity of layers in these areas. Know
how the drone is used, and what sympathetic strings are.
In any case, read through this twice, because more will sink in the
second (and third, fourth, fifth…..☺ times!).
By the way, you will need to write a listening guide and an analysis of
one work for your essay exam.
Yes, you can study abroad!!
International Education
• Upcoming Faculty-led options
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• Summer 1 2018, Verona, Italy with Professors
Govindan and Maldari
• Summer 1 2018, Accra, Ghana with Professors
8:30 am-5:00 pm
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Find the Office of International Education on:
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• Spring 2018, Berlin with Professor Lieberman
• Spring Break 2018, Costa Rica with Professor
• Spring Break, Spain with Professor Karbousian
• Spring Break 2018, Italy with Professors
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• Summer 2018, Scotland Fringe Festival with
Professors Morgan and Budd
• Summer 2018, Japan with Professor Amakawa
Example of a student listening guide: Tchaikovsky’s
Violin Concerto in D: 1878
Note the basic organization: time on the left, what you hear on the right, and how it
changes. This is incomplete in that this student needed to analyze more about what the
melody sounds like. In your listening guides, note how the music changes.
SW’s link:
WOODWINDS BEGIN (oboe or clarinet is dominant instrument)
VIOLIN enters as lead
CRESCENDO (violin peaks)
return to original format (DECRESCENDO)
FLUTE enters as lead
VIOLIN takes lead once again
WOODWINDS become gradually louder, but violin is still leading
OBOE is heard clearly
VIOLIN is heard clearly
VIOLIN & FLUTE duet (orchestra is silent)
OBOE & VIOLIN duet (orchestra still silent)
VIOLIN still in lead, ORCHESTRA re-enters in background
OBOE and WOODWINDS (return to beginning format)
ORCHESTRA (all instruments echo each other)
See if you can describe the melody a bit more specifically than done here. Rising, falling notes? Exhilarating, depressing??
India has a very visually and
aurally rich tradition, location
and culture. We see this in the
art and music. (I have wondered
if the use of silence and
meditation is a break from this
sensually-packed environment.)
Classical music for years was the
province of courts, nobility and
the wealthy. Now those in India
are trying to share the richness of
this music with all. Each year,
there are a few classical concerts
in a few major cities that last for
North Indian music is different
from that of South India, but we
will only deal generally with the
characteristics of the North and
not worry too much about
geographical differences.
Music of North India
Religions in India
The primary religion is Hinduism, but there are also Muslims, Christians, Parsis
(Persian Zoroastrians), Jains, Sikhs and Jews.
The name “Khan” could refer to Muslims who converted from Hinduism,
perhaps as far back as the Mughal courts of the 16th century.
The exact faith doesn’t often matter. What is important is the Nad-Brahma,
the “sound as God” or “language of God.”
The purpose of music is to attune oneself to the highest planes of
spirituality. Music is like a prayer. And the life goal of musicians is religious
as well as musical. This leads to mukti or release. These principles are often
in the song texts.
Source: Music in North India, p. 18-19

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta Pali Chanting
The philosophy here, with references to the Eightfold path, is more Buddhist than Hindu, but
the lessons on inner peace work with both religions.
The power of Aum (Om)
“The infinite potencies of sound derive from the Creative Word, Aum, the
cosmic vibratory power behind all atomic energies. Any word spoken with
clear realization and deep concentration has a materializing value. Loud or
silent repetition of inspiring words has been found effective [in various]
systems of psychotherapy; the secret lies in the stepping-up of the mind’s
vibratory rate.”
“The Aum vibration that reverberates throughout the universe….has three
manifestations…: those of creation, preservation, and destruction. Each time
a man utters a word he puts into operation one of the three qualities of Aum.
“Aum is the creative vibration that externalizes all creation.
“Folklore of all peoples contain references to incantations with power over
Nature. The American Indians developed effective sound rituals for wind and
rain. Tan Sen, the great Hindu [Mughal] musician, was able to quench fire by
the power of his song.”
[SW: Play some of the earth drumming and flutes from the American Indians. (with thunder) or ]
Autobiography of a Yogi, notes p. 15, notes p. 24, p. 165 n., p. 177 n.
What is music?
Quote from Tansen (d. 1586) of the court of Akbar the Great (r. 15561605):
“Mankind cannot reach across the infinite ocean of musical Sound.
The instruction of the wise is to learn the rhythmic compositions
of both the saints and the music of the folk.
Various schools have interpreted the mysteries of music,
meditating on the works of Brahmā, Vishnu, and Shivā.
Praising the teachers who unraveled these secrets,
Tansen’s song melted the stones with melody.”
We will study the Mughal empire at the end of this section. Keep in mind
that some of the classical Indian music traditions we will explore now
were established in the Mughal courts.
Elements of Indian Classical Music
Training for Performance of Indian Music
Guru – an individual teacher
Gharana – a particular school of vocal or
instrumental performance
Pt Vishwa Mohan
Bhatt, Indian guru and
musician in New Delhi
Be able to answer this question
What is a musician’s practice?
The lifelong path of the musician
Spiritual path and yoga
Mukti – liberation or release
“Come sit with me”. This is also close to
what Upanishads (the holy texts of
Hinduism) mean.
How does this traditional view differ from
the goals of many rock musicians in the
Nowadays, the student pays
for lessons and there is more
variety (and fewer traditional
approaches) to learning all
the different ragas and talas.
Public concerts are shorter
and more appealing to the
listeners. There is less
depth and beauty to the
music as modern musicians
often seek to “wow” the
Important vocabulary
Drone – extended pitch.
Mantras – repeated scriptures, prayers, or phonetic
formulas that, through repetition, enhance one’s karma
or predisposition to goodness. Repetition of OM (Aum)
is a simple mantra. Om tu narayana hari (om, thou
Lord, Vishnu).
Vedas are unmetered songs of devotion and ritual that
form the oldest books of the Hindu religion. Veda also
translates as “Truth.”
Threads in Indian Music (Music in North India
There are three major aspects of Indian music:
1) Devotional component: there is a strong religious
component of the music.
2) There is a play between composition and improvisation:
between creation (think Brahman) and preservation (think
Much of the music is either monophonic or heterophonic
(accompaniment with only slight variation of the musical line)
3) Use of the verbal syllables: taking apart and reconstructing
words and phrases with syllables that can be seen as
“nonsensical,” but the very presence of the sound is holy.
Vedas: the oldest religious texts
These are often seen in music as text and syllables, even
“nonsensical” syllables. Again, it is the sound that is essential.
Vedic chant: my CD from Music in North India, track 4, Rig Veda
Chant. Some ornamentation up and down, but mostly one pitch,
one syllable, creating almost a droning effect. The alternation of
long and short syllables, and their emphasis in duration (not
dynamics) become essential in the later tal system.

In track 5, Sama Veda chant, there is more variation in pitch.

Source: Music in North India, p. 20 The tracks that are listed in this
ppt are from the CD which accompanied this book. They are noted
for your professor’s information and to play in class, even if you
cannot access them. See similar clips on YouTube.
Early chants
Features of these early chants:
Chanted only from memory by experts
“a single, unaccompanied melodic line used all seven notes.”
It was important just to listen to these chants
The focu

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