Federal and California legal systems

This chapter 1 covers of Federal and California legal systems, to be used a backdrop for the remainder of the book. This chapter cover Introduction to Law. Second chapter covers about land. The three methods of land description are metes and bounds, government...

JOU 110 Media Log & Narrative Task

MEDIA LOG Time Location – people Sample entry: 6 -6:30 p.m. (30 minutes) Sample entry: My house w/ girlfriend Medium or media Sample entry: Television Description of content with brief summary of main characters & target audience Sample entry: Friends, a sitcom...

Male and Female circumcision

We discussed male and female circumcision in class and watched movies about it. What do you think of the practice? Is it different than what you thought before? Please use the class material to support your answers.

Ethical Issue Presentation

Create a  presentation, that accomplishes the following: Chose some ethical issue you feel is important (abortion, gun control, climate change, eating meat, anything that can be considered a moral matter – if you are unsure, be sure to clear with your instructor)...