Begin to establish your voice as a writer. Practice writing under tight deadlines.
Throughout the semester you will be writing multiple blog posts that we will publish on a public blog site. The target reader of the blog is current or soon-to-be college students. Think about the type of college student you want to speak to speci cally. For example, it could be college athletes, those in a speci c major, those from a certain geography or background or based on lifestyle interests. While you donÂ’t have to narrow down your focus for this rst blog, if you have a general idea of the theme of your posts, use that idea for this rst post.
A common type of blog post is to provide advice in some way. If you could go back in time to the sum- mer before you started college, what advice would you give yourself? This doesnÂ’t have to be a deep, philosophical exercise (unless you want it to be), but even simple speci c tips and things that you learned along the way.

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