Select ONE hate symbol from the book and research it.
Identify a hate group and determine what its strategies are? How does it perpetuate its agenda? Be prepared to share your research in class.
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Earth Liberation Front (ELF) First appearing in the 1970s, ELF is a network of underground cells involved in committing terrorist acts intended to stop the perceived exploitation and destruction of the environment. In 2001, a manual was released by ELF titled, he Army of Setting Fires With Electrical Timers,” which emphasizes the threat
this group poses as domestic terrorists, often as lone wolves.
distributing Their targets usually include construction projects, logging sites, – praises the factories and automobile dealerships with damage often totaling
millions of dollars.
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Golden Dawn New York (GDNY)Golden Dawnis afar-rightpolitical party with ties to neo-Nazism in Greece. GDNY is an American branch of the movement which supports the ideas and goals of the Greek movement. They focus on collecting food donations to send to the Greek people, and offer English translations of Golden Dawn
articles “to counter the lies and propaganda against Golden Dawn in the English speaking world.” As of November 2015, the leader
and several members of Golden Dawn in Greece were awaiting trial for charges including membership in a criminal organization
and murder Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA) – Also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative, SIOA is virulently
Islamophobic and believes that the US Constitution is under threat from Muslims who wish to replace it with Shariah law.