This week’s objective is to think about the formation of the current international order and the role of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations within it and within development more broadly. 
Read the following:
Arendt, Hannah “The Decline of the Nation-State and the End of the Rights of Man.” In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Harvest Books 1966. (21 PDF PAGES this one is double)
Anghie, Antony. “Colonialism and the birth of international institutions: Sovereignty, economy, and the mandate system of the League of Nations.”NYUJ Int’l L. & Pol. 34 (2001): 513. (123 PDF PAGES)
Rist, Gilbert. The History of Development : From Western Origins to Global Faith. Fourth ed. 2014; Chapter 3 “The making of the world system” (I’ve included chapters 4 & 5 as well which you can read if you are interested) (30 pdf pages)
Choose two of the following questions and then provide a summary of the article below. (Beyond Bandung, Phillips, Andrew) 600 Words total.
What factors played a major role in the setting up of the contemporary system of International Institutions. Did this new order provide a definitive break with colonialism and imperialism. If so, how? If not, how can we see that legacy today?
Did one of the readings resonate with you most or challenge you the most?
How do the authorsÂ’ arguments this week agree, correspond to, or supplement those of the other authors? Where is there disparity, disagreement, or wiggle room?
Provide a summary of the article below.

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